Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Passing Sequim levy along with liberal agenda is too high a price to pay

Shortly after the school levy failed last year, the Sequim School School Board asked and invited the opposition to please come to a meeting and… Continue reading

LETTER: Social leveling victimizes the very people it’s supposed to benefit

Plato said, “Free people are not equal. Equal people are not free.” Taxation, regulation and control diminish competition, vital to provide the best quality, variety… Continue reading

LETTER: We shouldn’t reward migrants’ cowardliness with sanctuary

Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say that the United States of America is the depository for those who shirk their duty to control… Continue reading

LETTER: Death penalty a wasteful, barbaric practice that shouldn’t persist

It’s sad that many people, like the writer of the Feb. 5 letter to Peninsula Voices [“Death penalty”], support the barbaric, uncivilized death penalty. In… Continue reading

LETTER: EMT’s compassionate care saved my life

On Nov. 28, my husband called 9-1-1 for assistance. I had fallen and could not get up. The emergency medical technicians arrived and checked me… Continue reading

LETTER: Help pay it forward by supporting Port Angeles levy renewal

Our youngest child graduates from Port Angeles High School in June this year, and I realize that this [Feb. 14 Port Angeles School District levy]… Continue reading

LETTER: Nuclear power the obvious solution to help stave off global warming

A letter writer to Peninsula Voices on Jan. 31 (“Climate change”) states, “Donald Trump may in fact threaten human civilization by setting in motion runaway… Continue reading

LETTER: Snowgrass Festival was enjoyed by all despite band members’ illness

Well, another successful Snowgrass Bluegrass Festival on Jan. 21 in Port Angeles has come and gone and was enjoyed by all attendees. Having gotten a… Continue reading

LETTER: Vote for Port Angeles levy to keep up skills, tools children need

We have always felt very fortunate that our children were able to receive a quality education in the Port Angeles School District. The academic programs… Continue reading

LETTER: We can — and should — do better on Clallam herbicide use

In response to the first sentence of the Jan. 29 letter “Common sense,” the first sentence, “It was unanimous” [that Clallam County will use herbicides… Continue reading

LETTER: Bed-and-breakfasts cause nothing but trouble for neighbors

When a new bed-and-breakfast is added to an established neighborhood, it definitely has an impact on the dynamics of that neighborhood, whether fully licensed and inspected or not.

LETTER: Hypocrisies of Democratic policies exposed with reaction to Trump’s travel ban

In 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) [for Democrat] signs an executive order to round up and imprison Japanese-American citizens. Riots, protests, demonstrations? No. In… Continue reading

LETTER: Help fund school construction by renewing Sequim School District levy

The Feb. 14 special election brings forward two issues that need the support of Sequim School District voters: the education programs and operations (EP&O) levy… Continue reading

LETTER: We need more details on how we’ll pay for Trump’s border wall

President Donald Trump has promised to build a wall along the Mexican border and to get Mexico to pay for it. The two points in… Continue reading

LETTER: Fact-Free Diet the healthiest way to reduce your Intelligence Quotient

For years, health advisers have advocated following a proper diet. We have all heard the admonitions, such as “you are what you eat,” “too much… Continue reading

LETTER: I agree with a letter writer that a lack of fact should concern all readers

The Jan. 20-21 letter in Peninsula Voices, “Defends Obama,” was right on. It should have been titled “Obama Assertions, Backup Data Not Included.” Like Dr.… Continue reading

LETTER: ‘Big Pharma’s’ buying the vote just another good reason for political shakeup

In the Jan. 20-21 letter to the editor in Peninsula Voices, “Drug prices,” the writer says that U.S. Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray were… Continue reading

LETTER: Here’s an option for those of you who oppose abortions

To those of you who do not agree with abortion, here is a solution for you: All of you take your savings and build orphanages.… Continue reading