LETTER: Port Angeles School District’s new sexuality training program makes kids guinea pigs

I’ve been noticing a few things about the FLASH (Family Life and Sexual Health) sexuality training that the Port Angeles School Board voted in [“Port Angeles Schools Adopts New Sex Education Curriculum,” PDN, Dec. 16].

There was one brave person who voted against it [School Board member Susan Shotthafer], and I’m convinced with good reason.

I was surprised at the lack of discussion.

The board member who voted against it talked for maybe 10 minutes about what she thought was wrong with it.

When she finished, the other members didn’t blink an eye.

They just voted it in.

I thought that was strange.

So I looked into the program.

I see its based on a theory.

And what is a theory? A concept that has not yet been verified.

Kind of made me feel like our kids are the guinea pigs.

It has no real track record, and because of that, is only science based, but it is not evidence based.

Again, it makes me feel like our kids are the guinea pigs.

But it seems very good about telling the students all the scientific facts.

FLASH is an inclusive curriculum and includes examples and activities that will resonate with youth from a variety of geographical regions, racial identities and sexual orientations.

I’m sure the students will get all the facts about gender issues, and of course gay, lesbian and bisexual activities and lifestyles.

They will also learn how normal, natural and acceptable all those different sexual life styles will become.

Bad sexual choices made by students have expanding consequences.

It affects them, then parents and then society.

We should get this right.

Bill Yucha,

Port Angeles