Letters to the Editor

LETTER:Climate change

In his commentary (PDN, Dec. 13) Stephen Moore was dismissive of the urgency of addressing climate change. He makes the seemingly logical inference that neither… Continue reading

  • Dec 17, 2022

LETTER:Bookkeeper program

I was not surprised to see the number of applicants for the new grant-funded program administered by the Clallam Economic Development Council to train bookkeepers.… Continue reading

LETTER:Childish behavior

Why do we put up with this childish behavior from Trump? Just like a child who realizes that he is losing a board game, Trump… Continue reading

LETTER:Election fraud deniers

Because I believe there were shenanigans in our 2020 election, I guess I am an election denier. I watched the pillow guy’s symposium. I watched… Continue reading

  • Dec 9, 2022

LETTER:Diversity on Peninsula

I have lived on the Peninsula since the mid-1970s. I often feel marginalized and offended by how I am treated by local hospitals and other… Continue reading

  • Dec 8, 2022

LETTER:Attend meeting

It’s time for the public to take notice of the long-planned reservoir to store Dungeness River water. The 30 percent engineering plans are complete. The… Continue reading

  • Dec 6, 2022


I was curious about white supremacist Nick Fuentes surname so I did an online search. His name is of Spanish origin, meaning fountain. According to… Continue reading

  • Dec 3, 2022

LETTER:It’s the person

In response to the Nov. 8 letter “Hammers v. guns,” the author offers another view on a previous letter “Ban Hammers.” It appears the author… Continue reading

  • Dec 3, 2022

LETTER:Dangerous person

During the Republican Jewish Coalition annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas that ended Nov. 20, Mike Pompeo, former president Trump’s secretary of state and a… Continue reading

  • Nov 26, 2022


After reading a Suzanne DeBey column in the Peninsula Daily News, I asked a friend, who I think would know, whether there is persecution of… Continue reading

  • Nov 25, 2022

LETTER:No red wave

Surprise surprise, the polls, right and left wing media got it all wrong. Again. They were wrong in 2016, 2018, 2020, and now 2022. Why… Continue reading

  • Nov 25, 2022

LETTER:Letter campaign

Every year around Human Rights Day on Dec. 10, the Olympic Peninsula Amnesty International chapter invites everyone to join us in writing letters to free… Continue reading

  • Nov 19, 2022

LETTER:Hammers v. guns

I’m offering an alternative perspective to the Nov. 5 letter to the editor, “Ban Hammers.” The writer states “Or, we could recognize the fact that… Continue reading

  • Nov 18, 2022

LETTER: Good election

I served as a Democratic Party poll watcher at election headquarters at the Clallam County Courthouse. I observed first-hand the methodical work of Auditor Shoona… Continue reading

  • Nov 17, 2022

LETTER:Appreciates columnist

In response to the Nov. 8 letter “Dislikes columnist,” I will offer that I appreciate the columns by Mr. Charles Blow. I usually gain new… Continue reading

LETTER:Vaccine injuries

I’m writing this letter on Election Day, ignorant of what the outcome will be. Having become a single-issue voter for a concern that most chose… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2022

LETTER:Dislikes columnist

Charles Blow the, New York Times Op Ed writer that appears here in the pages of The Peninsula Daily News, is a one-trick pony, and… Continue reading

  • Nov 8, 2022

LETTER:Thanks volunteers

If you have enjoyed a bike ride, run or hike on any of our many local trails then you can thank a volunteer. If you’ve… Continue reading

  • Nov 8, 2022

LETTER:Keep it wild

Thirty years ago, a large portion of the Miller Peninsula State Park was saved from being turned into a Mitsubishi resort and expensive housing community… Continue reading

  • Nov 7, 2022

LETTER:Abortion rights

One in four American women has had an abortion in their lifetime. The rate was 1 in 3 before long-term hormonal contraceptives became available. Fifty-nine… Continue reading

  • Nov 5, 2022