Port Angeles City Council candidate Jim Haguewood admitted to the PDN that he knowingly violated municipal city code prohibiting his short-term rental. ( “PA council… Continue reading
Beyond the chaos, shouting and time-wasting coming from the Republican extremists in the House lurks a serious danger to all seniors and disabled folks. On… Continue reading
The Kirner family followed the appropriate civic process applying for a permit to reopen the historic gravel pit on Happy Valley Road. There were many… Continue reading
Saturday’s “Peninsula Voices” had two letters that focused upon people living on the street. One letter referred to squatters while another refused to refer to… Continue reading
Biden impeachment I recently wrote our U.S. Representative, Derek Kilmer, to ask him to be nonpartisan enough to vote to impeach President Biden if and… Continue reading
Unfortunately, the most immediate and significant threat to this endearing animal’s continued existence is not tree encroachment on the subalpine meadows, but another effect of… Continue reading
In a recent letter to the editor (“No Masks,” Sept. 10) the writer urges people to refuse to wear masks, even to the extent of… Continue reading
The article on Sept. 2 about Pat Neal, the fishing guide, being skeptical of fish restoration makes some good points. My concern is for those… Continue reading
Thank you Port Townsend City Council, parks department and city staffers for the work you put into the contentious golf course issue. The process for… Continue reading
I was wondering what the laws were pertaining to the parking of unattended trailers and the people now living in the parking lot of local… Continue reading
Isn’t about time that our communities develop the political will to finally address the problem of street people? I refuse to call these people homeless.… Continue reading
Several of us on the beach at Ediz Hook watched a whale-watching boat traveling too closely to a pod of orca in Port Angeles Harbor.… Continue reading
Has the Bonneville Power Administration, or its contractor, set enough fuel along the main power line that runs from Shelton to Fairmount? I am referring… Continue reading
Sound of freedom “Judge: Growler Flights Continue.” Which came first, practice flights or the population density of the northeast Olympic Peninsula? What are people thinking… Continue reading
Elegant column Although I am pro-choice, I wholeheartedly applaud the recent elegant column on abortion by Mona Charen (PDN, Sept. 1), which should be required… Continue reading
Mail delivery The mail delivery along U.S. Highway 101 is the worst that I’ve seen in 60 years. Over the years we have had some… Continue reading
Not dead yet I read Mona Charen’s column regarding President Biden’s age (PDN, Aug. 18.) She was responding to the concern of many that he… Continue reading
No masks As a preemptive strike against the inevitable, I encourage all Clallam County citizens to refuse to wear masks when they are mandated by… Continue reading
Apparently, many politicians and citizens are lacking in knowledge of history. The most vocal of them being Vivek Ramaswamy, who has stated that he would… Continue reading
Four days ago, I was stung by a hornet and went into anaphylactic shock. My husband got me to the emergency room within 15 minutes… Continue reading