Message to the Washington State GOP: You want to get Republican Dave Reichert elected governor? Then you’ll need the votes of people in the center… Continue reading
Once again, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) failed to advise motorists of daytime work that would significantly impede traffic. The latest incident occurred… Continue reading
America appears to be in a political mess similar to 1968. LBJ had spent endless millions on his Great Society and on the Vietnam war,… Continue reading
We all know that Donald Trump is nothing more than a bag of hot air. We can also assume if the media were to ignore… Continue reading
Former President Donald Trump negotiated with the Taliban and established a evacuation date for a few weeks after Biden took office. Planning for the evacuation… Continue reading
A recent writer expressed disgust that President Biden draped a Progress Pride flag on the White House next to two United States flags. He claimed… Continue reading
I read with interest Port Angeles City Council member Navarra Carr saying she would fight to “bring a voice for young people and renters.” On… Continue reading
Currently pending national legislation would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to bring it into the 21st… Continue reading
In response to the letter “His Accomplishments,” (PDN, June 13) I met the author years ago, when she led a book study about kids’ brain… Continue reading
Olympic Medical Center (OMC) is in financial crisis and that means all of us are in crisis. We are an isolated senior citizen community in… Continue reading
A recent writer (“His Accomplishments,” PDN, June 13) was perplexed as to why Biden doesn’t have the support she thinks he should. She listed some… Continue reading
Our governor recently visited our town. He praised the facilities he visited, saying we were pumping on all cylinders, citing the college’s effort to train… Continue reading
Want to set off a fire storm from the left? Mention “gun range” and watch them melt down. What a terrible idea, they would say,… Continue reading
I am perplexed that President Joe Biden’s approval rating is not higher. What this president has accomplished, in spite of all the chaos and negativity… Continue reading
As the traffic grows in this fair city, it seems that the deer population is growing with it. All night seems like a good time… Continue reading
I see that the PDN has begun featuring a columnist from the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, Veronique de Rugy. I know you want… Continue reading
The term Third World is normally given to those nations that are poor or developing. And, hopefully, it’s assumed that they will progress from developing… Continue reading
It seems that the government is determined to do stuff for the homeless. Much of that seems expensive. I wonder, how about supplying somebody who… Continue reading
I’m hoping our county commissioners will reconsider and decide to hold off on timber sales TCB23 and Power Plant scheduled for approval on June 6.… Continue reading
The picture of the house being burnt at 141 Harry Brown Road was not a good choice for the front page of the newspaper. It… Continue reading