Letters to the Editor

LETTER: It’s time we had a criminal justice system that serves us

Vote for Dave Neupert for Clallam County Superior Court judge to address the issues facing our veterans.

LETTER: Put Randy Johnson to work as Clallam commissioner

Randy’s plain talk and management style have not only shown his effectiveness but garnered him a wide array of endorsements from across the spectrum.

LETTER: Randy Johnson a selfless community leader

He’s the best candidate for Clallam commissioner because he cares and can keep us on the right track.

LETTER: Rep. Kilmer flim-flams on answer about corporate personhood

He hasn’t sponsored a House resolution similar to a constitutional amendment called for in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

LETTER: Vote Ron Richards to prevent timber interests from taking over Clallam board

Regardless of how you feel about the national election, be sure to cast your ballot for local positions.

LETTER: Dave Neupert the superior choice for Superior Court judge

The Clallam candidate has the poise and connections to the community that the position vitally needs.

LETTER: Gary Johnson my kind of candidate

The Libertarian presidential nominee has much more to offer than his opponents, especially in terms of the eternal kingdom.

LETTER: Here’s hoping for return to reason on timber issues

Ron Richards, a hopeful for Clallam commissioner, has less conflict of interest than his opponent.

LETTER: I won’t vote for GOP office-seekers who refuse to vote for Trump

I’ve written each Republican candidate a letter informing them of this.

LETTER: If you like the way things are going in this country, vote Democrat

They want to impose taxes, ban or take back guns and decide the future of your health care.

LETTER: Randy Johnson would offer fresh perspective to Clallam politics

Vote for him over his opponent for county commissioner.

LETTER: Those without sin should cast the first stone about Trump’s comments

Lyndon B. Johnson was deragotory about minorities but signed into law the Civil Rights Act. Should he not have been president?

LETTER: Vote Dave Neupert for a better way for our county

The Clallam Superior Court hopeful sees a positive way to improve on our community.

LETTER: Vote Hillary Clinton for a strong female president

She’s right on her proposed measures for education, equal pay and immigration reform.

LETTER: Vote Randy Johnson for a fresh take on old issues

His opponent for Clallam commissioner, Ron Richards, is entrenched in the old binary mind-set of politics and policies.

LETTER: We support Randy Johnson for Clallam commissioner

As neighbors, he and his wife have displayed a commitment to community that we find intriguing and vital to the role of official.

LETTER: We’re at a true tipping point with Trump’s vitriolic statements

To those who listen to his venom-filled comments on the election supposedly being rigged, please let democracy work, not runaway hatred and suspicion.

LETTER: We’re reaping the ‘rewards’ of a broken education system

The rise in conspiracies and the rantings of Donald Trump are in direct proportion to the travesty of a system.

LETTER: Vote Randy Johnson for his business acumen, enriching participation

The Clallam commissioner hopeful impressed me during my stint at the Port of Port Angeles.