LETTER: It’s time we had a criminal justice system that serves us

Vote for Dave Neupert for Clallam County Superior Court judge to address the issues facing our veterans.

I have served in the Air Force for over 25 years and have known hundreds of returning combat veterans.

The transition back to civilian life for those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be very difficult.

Unfortunately, some of those returning vets find themselves in the criminal justice system.

Many of these returning vets are lumped into drug court, mental health court or family court.

Unfortunately, putting them into one of these existing specialty courts only addresses the symptoms, not the cause of their problems, which is largely ineffective.

Currently, many of these vets, who can afford it, travel to Seattle or Tacoma to get the PTSD/TBI treatment they need.

Those who can’t afford it simply suffer in silence.

These brave men and women who answered their country’s call deserve a criminal justice system that understands the issues they face, and that is why I am endorsing Dave Neupert to be our next Clallam County Superior Court judge.

Dave understands this problem and wants to start a joint Superior/District Court Veterans Court.

By working together, the two courts, in cooperation with Peninsula Behavioral Health and other local veterans organizations, can effectively and efficiently address the issues facing our returning veterans here in Clallam County.

It’s time we serve those who served us.

It’s time we have a court system that recognizes returning veterans individual needs.

It’s time to elect Dave Neupert as Superior Court judge.

Rick Porter,

Port Angeles

Porter is the Port Angeles District Court 1 judge.