PAT NEAL: How to have a happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. The word conjures images of black-robed pilgrims in white starched collars sitting down to dinner with their Indian friends to give thanks at the… Continue reading

Marilyn Lewis as a young woman.

PAT NEAL: She died with her boots on

In last week’s episode, we were celebrating the life of the Hoh Tribal woman Tsi-hos-tub. Called Pansy Martin Snell by the Europeans, she is the… Continue reading

Marilyn Lewis as a young woman.
Daughter of the Olympic Wilderness: The Life and Times of Pansy Martin Snell

PAT NEAL: Daughter of the Olympic Wilderness

Read any good books lately? Daughter of the Olympic Wilderness: The Life and Times of Pansy Martin Snell (Poseidon Peak Publishing, 2023) is the latest… Continue reading

Daughter of the Olympic Wilderness: The Life and Times of Pansy Martin Snell

PAT NEAL: Fishing for excuses

Profiling and stereotyping have no place in a Wilderness Gossip Column. In last week’s episode, it was mistakenly mentioned that deer hunters have more excuses… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The great deer hunt

I spent all last summer cursing the day deer were invented for what they did to my garden. Herds of worthless deer ate my garden… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The great mushroom hunt

In last week’s episode, we examined the very real possibility of mushroom hunters getting lost in the woods. It happens every year, but it doesn’t… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A reoccurring moisture trend

A REAL WOODSMAN doesn’t need a weatherman to know if it is going to rain. Often, by observing the formation of clouds and direction of… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A winter forecast

THE SIGNS OF the season are certain. There is fresh snow on Mount Olympus. The vine maples are red. The maples are yellow. The old… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The fall chore list

THIS MUST BE the most beautiful fall weather we’ve seen in years. But I’m not one to sit around and admire the view when there’s… Continue reading

LETTER: Biden impeachment

Biden impeachment I recently wrote our U.S. Representative, Derek Kilmer, to ask him to be nonpartisan enough to vote to impeach President Biden if and… Continue reading

  • Sep 24, 2023
Mara  Zimmerman

POINT OF VIEW: Big bold action needed for salmon restoration

THE DECLINES OF SALMON runs, as highlighted in Peter Segall’s Sept. 2 front-page article, are a bitter pill to swallow for those of us who… Continue reading

  • Sep 23, 2023
  • By Mara Zimmerman Coast Salmon Partnership
Mara  Zimmerman

PAT NEAL: A return to the Queets

Back on this day, Sept. 20, 1890, Private Harry Fisher, a member of Lt. Joseph P. O’Neil’s U.S. Army expedition who had been sent to… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The sting of bee season

By now, I think we’ve all had it up to here with our seasonal visitors and their in-your-face attitude every time we step outside to… Continue reading

LETTER: Sound of freedom

Sound of freedom “Judge: Growler Flights Continue.” Which came first, practice flights or the population density of the northeast Olympic Peninsula? What are people thinking… Continue reading

  • Sep 10, 2023

LETTER: Elegant column

Elegant column Although I am pro-choice, I wholeheartedly applaud the recent elegant column on abortion by Mona Charen (PDN, Sept. 1), which should be required… Continue reading

  • Sep 10, 2023

LETTER: Mail delivery

Mail delivery The mail delivery along U.S. Highway 101 is the worst that I’ve seen in 60 years. Over the years we have had some… Continue reading

  • Sep 10, 2023

LETTER: Not dead yet

Not dead yet I read Mona Charen’s column regarding President Biden’s age (PDN, Aug. 18.) She was responding to the concern of many that he… Continue reading

  • Sep 10, 2023

LETTER: No masks

No masks As a preemptive strike against the inevitable, I encourage all Clallam County citizens to refuse to wear masks when they are mandated by… Continue reading

  • Sep 10, 2023
Congressman Derek Kilmer, D-Gig Harbor.

Point of View: Bill aims to aid rural hospitals

FORTY-NINE YEARS ago, I was born at what was then called Olympic Memorial Hospital. Over the years, members of my family and I received good,… Continue reading

  • Sep 9, 2023
  • By Derek Kilmer U.S. Representative
Congressman Derek Kilmer, D-Gig Harbor.

PAT NEAL: The autumn harvest

when the rain and wind wash the dust away and the air smells fresh and clear.… Continue reading