President Donald Trump declares there are only two options for human babies, male or female. However, there are many exceptions to this simplistic rule. Approximately… Continue reading
I grew up in Port Angeles and attended K-12 in the Port Angeles School District. I attended Washington State University and Howard Law School. I… Continue reading
Under cover of night, someone tore down a sign on our property. It’s happened about 20 times. What awful message must be silenced? It says:… Continue reading
I recently attended a Sequim School District information session about the upcoming levy and bond ballot measures. Superintendant Regan Nickels and building/maintenance director Michael Santos… Continue reading
Well, had enough yet? What could be more deplorable than current political events? The policies are heinous and inhumane. Ideology and foolishness confound the implementation… Continue reading
I am a member of the Port Townsend Food Co-op. I feel strongly enough about the unionization effort to refrain from shopping there as long… Continue reading
The superintendent of the Sequim School District, who has the same base pay as the vice president of the United States, more than half of… Continue reading
Regarding the Cal Thomas commentary (PDN, Jan. 30), I’d like to offer some clarification, as Thomas seems to have spent most of his word count… Continue reading
Prosperity and pride or decay and decline? That is the choice facing voters on the Sequim School District levy and bond ballot. After nearly three… Continue reading
As a 29-year resident of Sequim and a homeschooling parent with over 30 years of experience, I urge you to vote an emphatic yes on… Continue reading
Our community of Sequim has an important vote coming up to support Sequim students. Schools in the Sequim School District were built several decades ago… Continue reading
A WWII-era quote came to mind this week. “First they came for the communists, then the socialists, then the trade unionists, then the Jews and… Continue reading
As CEO of Olympic Medical Center (OMC), I support the upcoming education levy renewal and building bond for the Sequim School District. Our goal at… Continue reading
In the coming days, weeks and months, the most vulnerable folks in our community will likely be impacted by promised federal cuts to food security… Continue reading
I support of the bond and EP&O levy for the Sequim School District. I no longer have children of school age, but investing in education… Continue reading
Please support Sequim School District’s operating levy and construction bond on the Feb. 11 ballot. The levy is a critical part of the district’s budget.… Continue reading
The impact of tariffs on the Great Depression remains a cautionary tale about the dangers of economic protectionism during times of financial distress. Among the… Continue reading