LETTER: No masks

No masks

As a preemptive strike against the inevitable, I encourage all Clallam County citizens to refuse to wear masks when they are mandated by state and local health authorities later this year.

Yes, you know the mandate is coming, and yes, civil disobedience is the answer.


Because more than 170 comparative studies and articles prove that mask mandates are ineffective and harmful, according to a December 2021 article on the Brownstone Institute website.

If you insist on wearing a mask despite this evidence, that is your choice.

But mandates for everyone?

No, not this time.

The traditional, time-tested advice is best: If you are sick, or afraid of getting sick, stay home.

I also encourage doctors, dentists and other medical professionals to come out of the closet and publicly resist any mandate.

In the past you may have worried that speaking out would cost your job, but now that the data is clear, those days are over.

Let’s keep America as the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Jerry Ludke

Port Angeles

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