A recent letter writer mischaracterized his not supporting Port Angeles city water fluoridation.
With the more fortunate given a voice, where does that leave anyone who can’t afford to spend millions?
Multitudes of happy tourists fished the Hoh this summer totally unaware they were breaking the law.
They were correct in ruling on the unconstitutionality of funding charter schools as common schools.
Now that fluoridation of city water has ended, the anti group can devote itself to a greater cause: wooden toothpick use.
The Second Amendment was written when our country didn’t have a standing army, like it does now.
Separation of powers is supposed to protect us from being a totalitarian nation.
Human foibles haven’t stopped the Democratic Party, and we will continue to forge ahead in the spirit of the “Great One.”
A recent letter writer should think about what might happen if we we’re not prepared for war.
The new rule will be impractial both legally and in practice.
I doubt any cowgirl would submit her horse to this barbaric “amusement.”
I don’t want to have to choose between the lesser of two evils.
As grownups, we’re meant to demonstrate that we don’t have to revert to coarse language.
Mike Chapman has let politics, not facts, guide his decision-making.
You’re not voting for a political party; you’re voting for an individual’s actions.
You have to wonder if hatchery steelhead are really so bad for native ones.
I directly witnessed the slow, steady improvement in the teeth of my patients since water fluoridation began.
The PUD commissioners’ report on the carbon tax proposal was skimpy on details and facts, large on speculation.
Having not been born in this country, Ted Cruz would have made Hillary a shoo-in.
Locally, there was a 50 percent increase over last year.