LETTER: Chapman votes with his conscience, not the status quo

A recent letter writer mischaracterized his not supporting Port Angeles city water fluoridation.

LETTER: Wealthy interests drown out the rest of us

With the more fortunate given a voice, where does that leave anyone who can’t afford to spend millions?

PAT NEAL: What good is a fishing license?

Multitudes of happy tourists fished the Hoh this summer totally unaware they were breaking the law.

LETTER: Attack on state Supreme Court justices is unwarranted

They were correct in ruling on the unconstitutionality of funding charter schools as common schools.

LETTER: It’s time for Port Angeles to confront another evil: dental floss

Now that fluoridation of city water has ended, the anti group can devote itself to a greater cause: wooden toothpick use.

LETTER: Assault weapons need to be banned, not encouraged

The Second Amendment was written when our country didn’t have a standing army, like it does now.

LETTER: Democracy undermined by Congress’ corruption, Supreme High bias

Separation of powers is supposed to protect us from being a totalitarian nation.

LETTER: Jesus was the greatest Democrat of all

Human foibles haven’t stopped the Democratic Party, and we will continue to forge ahead in the spirit of the “Great One.”

LETTER: Jet noise an acceptable price to pay for safety

A recent letter writer should think about what might happen if we we’re not prepared for war.

LETTER: Port Angeles council’s profanity ban an ultimately bad idea

The new rule will be impractial both legally and in practice.

LETTER: Goat-tying is a cruel ‘sport’ that needs to end

I doubt any cowgirl would submit her horse to this barbaric “amusement.”

LETTER: I’m voting for a set of policies I believe in

I don’t want to have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

LETTER: Name-calling has no place in civilized discourse

As grownups, we’re meant to demonstrate that we don’t have to revert to coarse language.

LETTER: Clallam commissioner hasn’t fulfilled his duty to the people

Mike Chapman has let politics, not facts, guide his decision-making.

LETTER: It’s your duty to vote in November’s election

You’re not voting for a political party; you’re voting for an individual’s actions.

PAT NEAL: Really, how unique are Elwha steelhead?

You have to wonder if hatchery steelhead are really so bad for native ones.

LETTER: Port Angeles’ fluoridation decision will have impact far into future

I directly witnessed the slow, steady improvement in the teeth of my patients since water fluoridation began.

LETTER: Clallam Public Utility District deceptive over I-732 analysis

The PUD commissioners’ report on the carbon tax proposal was skimpy on details and facts, large on speculation.

LETTER: Cruz was a risky candidate to begin with

Having not been born in this country, Ted Cruz would have made Hillary a shoo-in.

LETTER: Leadership summit a well-rounded, well-represented event

Locally, there was a 50 percent increase over last year.