Elegant column Although I am pro-choice, I wholeheartedly applaud the recent elegant column on abortion by Mona Charen (PDN, Sept. 1), which should be required… Continue reading
Mail delivery The mail delivery along U.S. Highway 101 is the worst that I’ve seen in 60 years. Over the years we have had some… Continue reading
Not dead yet I read Mona Charen’s column regarding President Biden’s age (PDN, Aug. 18.) She was responding to the concern of many that he… Continue reading
No masks As a preemptive strike against the inevitable, I encourage all Clallam County citizens to refuse to wear masks when they are mandated by… Continue reading
FORTY-NINE YEARS ago, I was born at what was then called Olympic Memorial Hospital. Over the years, members of my family and I received good,… Continue reading
when the rain and wind wash the dust away and the air smells fresh and clear.… Continue reading
BACK TO SCHOOL. I wonder if any if any three words in the English language can shoot such a bolt of stark terror into my… Continue reading
It was another tough week in the news. A 57-year-old female orca who had lived in captivity at the Miami Seaquarium since 1970 died last… Continue reading
They say there’s a shortage of folks willing to work in these United States. From what I gathered from talking to numerous European tourists this… Continue reading
READERS EXPECT TO find obituaries in their newspapers, chronicling the lives of community members who contributed in ways great and small to their hometowns. With… Continue reading
Every tourist season brings a new crop of tourists. They have a lot of questions. Where is the bathroom? Where can I dump my garbage?… Continue reading
IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. An 8-year-old was attacked by a cougar at Lake Angeles, a popular hiking and camping destination in… Continue reading
Summertime is garden time. Growing vegetables is a good way to confront the outrageous price of groceries. Until you figure out how much seed and… Continue reading
IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. The good news is the 2023 Washington State Sport Fishing rules came out. The bad news is… Continue reading
IT WAS GOOD to see the Navy back in town to celebrate the Fourth of July in Port Angeles. More than 1,000 people lined up… Continue reading
THESE ARE THE mornings I’ll remember all winter. As the sun rises over the flank of Mount Olympus and the ocean fog retreats to the… Continue reading
when we can walk in the woods and meadows stuffing our gullets with free… Continue reading
IT’S DAYLIGHT ON the river on the longest day of the year. Being on the river early is a good way to watch the creatures… Continue reading
GETTING LOST IN the woods is a proud American tradition that goes back to before the days of Daniel Boone, who said, “I have never… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES HAS had its second apology in a year from the state Department of Transportation for causing a traffic jam in town. On Tuesday,… Continue reading