PAT NEAL: Digging potatoes in the snow

THERE ARE FEW things I enjoy more than digging potatoes in the snow. I know, I should have dug them sooner but it’s just another… Continue reading


PAT NEAL: A hard winter

IF I HEARD this once I’ve heard it a million times from the old-timers who claimed that winters in the old days were a lot… Continue reading


PAT NEAL: How’s the fishing?

HOW’S THE FISHING? If I had a buck for every time somebody asked that question, I wouldn’t waste my time as a wilderness gossip columnist.… Continue reading


PAT NEAL: The cow whisperer

AS A CHILD, I wanted to be a cowboy. To wake up under a starlit western sky to a breakfast of coffee, beans and bacon… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A cabin fever cure

but it helps. At least you can take… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A short history of geology

THE GEOLOGY OF the Olympic Peninsula offers a fascinating glimpse into the massive forces of nature that shaped this land into one of the most… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Keeping New Year’s resolutions

THE SECRET OF making and keeping New Year’s resolutions is to focus on the little things that can improve our lives, help our fellow man… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The meaning of Christmas

With apologies to Charles Dickens. HUMBUG! I HUFFED and puffed my way through the newspaper lobby, crammed as it was with holiday well-wishers yammering their… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The perfect Christmas gift

BY NOW, I’M pretty sure we’ve all had it up to here with those phony Christmas letters some people keep sending year after year. You… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Yes, Virginia, there is a steelhead

(With apologies to Francis Pharcellus Church, Editor of the New York Sun, Dec. 21, 1897.) I AM 8 years old. My family and I have… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A Christmas survival guide

WHY CAN’T CHRISTMAS last all year? You’d better be glad that it doesn’t. Christmas can be very dangerous, starting with putting up the Christmas decorations!… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A Dirty Thirties Thanksgiving

THIS IS A story about Thanksgiving in the olden days. It was back in the Depression, the Dirty Thirties. Pa had somehow got some turkey… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Hunting season excuses

AND SO, ANOTHER hunting season passes astern. I hope yours went better than mine. It was a shipwreck of failure, blame and excuses. Hunting experts… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Spawned-out salmon important to ecosystem

IT WAS DAYLIGHT on the river. The shadowy forms of overhanging trees appeared like a tunnel in the twilight. There was the sound of water… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The day after the election

THERE’S NOTHING QUITE like tent camping in the rain forest during the monsoon season. The rain falls like it’s being sprayed from a hose. The… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The Halloween hunt for Bigfoot

THERE’S NOTHING LIKE a hard day’s writing to make me glad I’m not one of the country’s leading Bigfoot researchers. I won’t bore you, dear… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Predicting the coming winter

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA) issued its 2024-25 U.S. Winter Outlook. It was not a… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The autumn menu

AUTUMN IS A time of plenty on the Olympic Peninsula. The salmon are running. The game is fattened and the berries are ripe. This is… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: It’s apple picking time

IT WAS DAYLIGHT at the homestead, but I was more than a little late for breakfast. I probably missed it by 50 years or so.… Continue reading

Marc Abshire

POINT OF VIEW: Vote yes on both PASD propositions

MUCH IS AT stake in the upcoming elections. In Clallam County, which is now our nation’s sole bellwether county for the presidential race, your vote… Continue reading

  • Oct 5, 2024
  • By Marc Abshire Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
  • Clallam County
Marc Abshire