LETTER: Status quo in politics is unsustainable

We need to elect people who will actually make a difference in our lives.

LETTER: Want to distinguish what’s profanity? Here’s how

I go by what my mother taught me in pre-adolescence 65 years ago.

LETTER: Homeownership is a gift that keeps on giving

Despite a recent column on the “misplaced faith” of homeownership, buying a home is a sound investment.

FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Love for life? Look to the birds

My good friend mentioned marriage counseling. I enviably thought of robins’ relationship.

LETTER: Be thankful for the majesty of Olympic National Park

Thanks to workers and volunteers, we’re able to enjoy the splendor right next door to us.

LETTER: Yes, obviously Cruz is a Democratic Party plant

A recent letter to the editor blew his cover in subverting Donald Trump’s candidacy.

PAT NEAL: Americans work hard for ‘the dream’

The Labor Day campout was just another example of the shrinking middle class: no au jus with our prime rib!

LETTER: Trump’s lies trump his ‘presidential’ facade

To those who believe in “The Donald,” I suggest shaking the sand out of your ears.

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Hungry Bear to host chili cook-off

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Hungry Bear to host chili cook-off

The 15th annual Bear Creek Chili Cook-Off and Potluck will be this Saturday at the Hungry Bear Cafe west of the Bear Creek Bridge on U.S. Highway 101.

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Hungry Bear to host chili cook-off

LETTER: Hillary calling Trump a racist is high hypocrisy

The Republican presidential candidate simply wants black people to take their lives back.

LETTER: Vote Ron Richards for Clallam commissioner this November

His opponent, Randy Johnson, would, as a former Rayonier employee, have too much power over county timberland.

LETTER: Clallam commissioner candidate should get his facts straight

Randy Johnson misunderstood the message presented by atmospheric sciences professor Cliff Mass over I-732.

LETTER: Fascism is fascism, no matter how you word it

Paying lip service to compassion doesn’t make you a decent human being.

LETTER: Hospital commissioner’s insulting remarks about Chapman a travesty

As a county commissioner, Mike Chapman has no say in city issues, such as Port Angeles water fluoridation.

LETTER: Cliff Mass plays it too safe in describing climate change effects

The atmospheric sciences professor ignores certainty in favor of obfuscation.

LETTER: Kaepernick doesn’t stand for the oppressed

The 49ers quarterback could choose to help instead of refusing to stand for the national anthem.

LETTER: Chapman votes with his conscience, not the status quo

A recent letter writer mischaracterized his not supporting Port Angeles city water fluoridation.

LETTER: Wealthy interests drown out the rest of us

With the more fortunate given a voice, where does that leave anyone who can’t afford to spend millions?

PAT NEAL: What good is a fishing license?

Multitudes of happy tourists fished the Hoh this summer totally unaware they were breaking the law.

LETTER: Attack on state Supreme Court justices is unwarranted

They were correct in ruling on the unconstitutionality of funding charter schools as common schools.