LETTER: Recent Speaking Out responses reflect citizens’ confusion

… vote for the one who will do the least harm …

In the Aug. 7 Peninsula Daily News, eight people expressed their opinion of the presidential race in the weekly Speaking Out feature on the Commentary page.

Comments included “It’s like picking the worse of two evils,” “I think it’s downright scary” and “I think it’s extremely discouraging and depressing.”

These were indicative of the general feeling of, if I have to pick one, “I am confused.”

So it is with the country as a whole.

I am reminded of the old saying that a leopard never changes its spots.

This can be applied to the candidates: What they have done in the past will be repeated.

Thus, one has a fair idea of what to expect.

How did they act or react; what did they accomplish, if anything; what have they supported in the past; who is supporting them now?

I think the voters should look at the two candidates and decide which one could do the most harm to the U.S.

Then vote for the one who will do the least harm.

World News Daily published a recent article saying that the Communist Party USA views Hillary Clinton in a positive light.

I would say that’s not good news, but each has to decide for themselves.

Just remember: least harm to the U.S.

Leland A. Jones,


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