Mary Lou Sanelli

FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Serenity in accepting things as they are

AT FIRST, IT just felt like a crazy new year. It took me awhile to realize it is something else, too. Demi pointe: supporting your… Continue reading


FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Dancing magic in New Zealand

I’M NOT UNLIKE many professional artists. My work means piecing together a career from teaching, publishing, speaking fees, grants, honorariums and applying to choreograph in… Continue reading


FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Celebrating the season post-election

THIS IS HOW the season finds me: determined, ear-to-ear, not to let November disappointment crush my December spirit. I am not going to spend the… Continue reading


FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: A thank-you to students from long ago

HARDLY ANYONE WRITES thank-you notes anymore. But there are two I’ve been meaning to send. And I’ve learned to identify the feeling inside that knows… Continue reading

FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: It’s all about the journey

I have a limited tolerance for generic questions about where I see myself in the future. Life can be less conventional than people know it to be.

FROM A WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Love for life? Look to the birds

My good friend mentioned marriage counseling. I enviably thought of robins’ relationship.

WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Getting ahead, swimming against the current

In times like these, when we wonder if we can get through it, we need to laugh. It lifts the misery right out.