John Nelson

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Offbeat offerings tonic for doldrums

DID YOU NOTICE, like I did, the variety of music on stage at the pre-inauguration and inauguration balls in Washington, D.C., over the weekend? Reminds… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC: Heat up nightlife with music moves

IF THESE SUNNY days (who knew the sun could shine so much in January?) are too bright for you, get out and enjoy the night… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Don’t warm the bench; heat up the floor

FOR SOME REASON, people in Seattle are dancing in the streets yet seem so blue. Here on the Peninsula, we dance to the blues and… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Get skinny on the dance floor

IT'S TIME TO shed that holiday weight gain before it bogs you down, and I have just the way to do it: Get out and… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S MUSIC COLUMN: Where to go out on New Year’s Eve

SO, YOU GOT everything you wanted for Christmas, you ate too much and you over indulged. But wait, there's more! The holiday season continues with… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: End of the world? Then party on, friends

ARE WE IN the spirit of the season yet? There's a lot of places to help you get into the spirit if you fall a… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Fete season with live tunes

GOT THE HOLIDAY blues? I got the cure. Get out your dancing shoes, tune up your ears, put ’em together and do the holiday two-step.… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: ‘Tis the season to get out and boogie

AS WE GET closer to the Christmas holiday, don’t let the frenzy of the season get to you. It’s OK to go shopping, bake and… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Save a dance for ‘Jingle Bells’ or hit the ‘Deck’ for holidays

NOW THAT THANKSGIVING is over, the season of giving and ho-ho-ho is upon us. We can hear the songs of the season even if they’re… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Boogie off the post-turkey doldrums

IF YOU’RE READING this in the morning, here’s a warning: Don’t eat too much. If you’re reading it at night, I feel your plight. So… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Give vote of thanks for multiple musical muses

THE VOTES HAVE been cast and counted, with no hanging chads demanding a recount. As we enter the holiday season, there will be more forms… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: More spooks on tap for listening pleasure

DID YOU GET through Halloween without getting spooked or otherwise scared out of your wits? You did? Well, you have another chance or two, so… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Shake in your boots for Halloween week

THE GOOD LORD must be willing and the creek didn’t rise, so that means I’m back with this week’s music lineup and will be here… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Rounding out decade of musical musings

THIS IS THE final column of my 10th year, and with the good Lord willing and if the creek don’t rise, I’ll be starting my… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: A variety of venues, vibes for music

Port Angeles and Joyce â–  Today at Castaways Restaurant and Night Club, 1213 Marine Drive, Jerry’s Country Jam lasts from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Rollicking rock ‘n’ roll, blues on tap at venues

JUST BECAUSE SEPTEMBER is here doesn’t mean summer is over. September offers up hot-air balloons, music, blues festivals and more. Port Angeles â–  Today at… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Rock out to last month of summer

THE FESTIVALS AND fairs may be over, but there is plenty of live music as we enter this last month of summer. Port Angeles â– … Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Stick to the beat with local music offerings

THE BEAT GOES on! There’s more music in the clubs and in the summer sun. Get out and catch it! Port Angeles â–  Tonight at… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Perfect weekend to find ideal genre

IF EVER THERE were a weekend to find your favorite genre of live music, this is that weekend. Music venues and schedules can be found… Continue reading

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: Get outdoors (or on the floor) and dance to music

THIS IS THE time of year when you have no excuse to not get out and listen/dance to your favorite music. Indoors or outdoors, your… Continue reading