AS WE NOW enter September, with its heavy dew on the lawn and yard, pestilence once again begins to raise its destructive head. Slugs will… Continue reading
WHEN I EXPLORE a cemetery, I often wonder about the lives of the people buried here. Does the name tell me anything? Do the dates… Continue reading
Noah Smith will perform “Bach 2 School” at 4 p.m. Sunday. The free organ recital is at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301… Continue reading
A COUPLE OF weeks ago, I was in Chicago for a business meeting and my return flight ended up being several hours late. I became… Continue reading
Doug Benecke will present “Growth is Optional” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Benecke will be the guest speaker at Unity in the Olympics,… Continue reading
The Rev. Dr. Rick Rouse will present “Christian Nationalism: A Threat to the Gospel and Democracy” at noon Sunday. Rouse will speak… Continue reading
The public is invited to enroll in the Powerful Tools for Caregivers class at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave. The… Continue reading
The Rev. Pam Douglas-Smith will present “Surrender to Surprise” at 11 a.m. Sunday Douglas-Smith is the pastor at Unity in Port Townsend,… Continue reading
HAPPY LABOR DAY! We’re on the back side of the midsummer season, so now is the time to start making many decisions regarding the garden.… Continue reading
RECENTLY, AT A church boys camp, I asked the question, “Who do you look up to?” Someone said, “my grandfather.” Another said, “my uncle.” And… Continue reading
Matthew Ward will perform a free gospel concert at 2 p.m. Sept. 7. The concert will be in the James Center Bandshell at… Continue reading
The public is invited to enroll in the Powerful Tools for Caregivers class at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave. The… Continue reading
The Rev. Larry Schellink will present “Finding Refuge in the Sangha” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Schellink is the guest speaker at Unity… Continue reading
WELL, WHAT DO you know, we’re well into August already. Now, I hear a lot of folks getting all tensed up that summer is close… Continue reading
OH HOW I relish celebrating our area youth equestrians’ accomplishments. I say the more we can get them outside engaging in life and away from… Continue reading
The Rev. Denese Schellink will present “In Search of Our Wholeness” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Schellink is the guest speaker at Unity… Continue reading
WHEN THE U.S. Constitution was ratified, Jews looked to this new country as a place where they would be safe from persecution, not only because… Continue reading
NOW THAT AUGUST is finally here, lovely flowers should be everywhere in your garden. Fresh cut flowers bring joy and make every room beautiful. So… Continue reading
Independent Bible Church will host GriefShare at 10 a.m. Aug. 29. The scripture-based seminars will be conducted at the church, 116 E.… Continue reading
SOMETIMES, WE, THE people, can get off track; we lose our collective way,
and not know what we’re about. We can forget what exactly it… Continue reading