Suzanne Debey

ISSUES OF FAITH: Pinchas vs. Joshua and leadership choices

AS WE CONTINUE reading about the Israelites’ journey in the Torah, we come to a time when God tells Moses that he will not lead… Continue reading


ISSUES OF FAITH: Fill your heart with courage and kindness

“The whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the main thing is not to fear, not to fear at all” (Rabbi Nachman of Breslev).… Continue reading


ISSUES OF FAITH: Complicated relationship between Jews and Israel

“Praise God O Jerusalem, laud your God O Zion,” (Psalm 147:2–12). THE CONNECTION AND deep love Jews have for Israel is sometimes a very difficult… Continue reading


ISSUES OF FAITH: The hope in Passover

DURING THE RECENT Jewish holiday of Passover, we celebrated spring’s new birth, and a journey from slavery to freedom, the actual beginning of the people… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Don’t be lured by the golden calf

When the Holy One gave the Torah, no bird chirped, no fowl fluttered, no ox lowed, the angels … did not sing, the sea did… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Moses and enlightened leadership

AS WE CONTINUE to follow the story of the Israelites’ journey after leaving Egypt, we witness Moses’ amazing leadership. He stood strong against the grumblings… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Ayin tov — the good eye

AS JEWS BEGAN reading the book of Exodus last week, we started the story of the Hebrews’ suffering under the Egyptian pharaoh and eventual escape… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Find courage in the lights of the season

“The menorah reminds us of the miracle that no matter how dark life may be, there remains a source of light deep inside us. The… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: War, terrorism and the Torah

“When religion turns men into murderers, God weeps” (“Not in Gods Name,” Rabbi Jonathan Sacks). AS DETAILS EMERGED about the attack on Israel by Hamas… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Days of Awe offer fresh start

AS THE DAYS shorten, and the nights become cooler, we wish we could hang on to the warmth of summer just a little longer. It’s… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Justice and faith in judges

“Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24). WITH COURT CASES occurring in multiple states and districts in the… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Truth, lies and the Torah

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but hard words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: The struggle of good vs evil

therefore choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). AS SUMMER BEGINS, we feel a renewed sense… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Pathways of peace through Shavuot

WHEN ENTERING A Jewish synagogue, one’s eyes are drawn to the front of the sanctuary where the Aron Kodesh, the Holy Ark, stands. Behind the… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Fear is dangerous

“In the world of the spirit, the opposite of love is not hate but rather it is fear” (“Omer: A Counting” Rabbi Karyn Kedar). SEEING… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: The hope in Passover

AS SPRING ARRIVES, we revel in the warmth, longer days, frogs croaking, birds singing in the early morning and new life emerging. During the dark,… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Finding meaning and healing in the questions, not just the answers

SINCE THE FIRST century, when Jews were executed for converting others, Judaism has not been a religion interested in seeking converts. Although we know many… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Faith and being ‘woke’

A FEW WEEKS ago, the world recognized International Holocaust Remembrance Day, reminding us of what can happen when a group is targeted as undesirable, and… Continue reading