LIFE CAN BE difficult for many people. In the 19th century, life could be hard on the Olympic Peninsula. Homesteading alone was hard. Add in… Continue reading
WHEN I EXPLORE a cemetery, I often wonder about the lives of the people buried here. Does the name tell me anything? Do the dates… Continue reading
WE CAN BE so busy with life that we do not see treasures near us. I am reminded of that every time I drive by… Continue reading
SOMETIMES WE FORGET just how much things change. Our surroundings are always changing. Our lives are changing. Our cars are changing. Changes in cars seems… Continue reading
SOME PEOPLE ARE known by your local community to be the sources of recent crimes. What do you do? What would any reasonable community do?… Continue reading
LET’S BEGIN WITH a Jeopardy question. “This book is filled with trivial information.” Answer, “What is the Hand-Book Almanac of the Pacific States”? I found… Continue reading
THE STORIES OF life and crime can take many twists and turns. In 1922, a planned robbery at the recreation hall of Discovery Bay Logging… Continue reading
IT IS EASY to be amazed with the athletes who participate in the fighting sports, such as MMA and boxing. The level of skill is… Continue reading
LAST MONTH I wrote about Daniel Webster Pullen and his family. By 1870, Pullen had bought a trading post in La Push and was prospering.… Continue reading
FOR THE PIONEERS of Clallam County, life was hard. Living was difficult. Getting enough food was not easy. Traveling was treacherous. You most likely were… Continue reading
DO YOU EVER ponder what it would be like to be living here 100 years ago? Were those simpler times? Everything was so inexpensive. Life… Continue reading
WHY CAN’T PEOPLE work out their differences? Why do things turn towards hostility so easily? Wait! Were you thinking I was talking about the streets… Continue reading
WHAT’S IN A name? We do live in an area with many interesting names. Some of those names have roots in indigenous language. Other names… Continue reading
WHAT IS YOUR life’s calling? Whatever it may be, that calling makes your life meaningful. People who answer their life’s call do not care about… Continue reading
SOMETIMES IT SEEMS the world has gone mad. The news is filled with stories of murder and mayhem. It seems to inundate every form of… Continue reading
OUR AREA HAS been influenced by many people. Those people are not simply limited to the United States and Canada, but also Europe. Our local… Continue reading
“AND NOW, FOR something completely different.” For those dork dads out there, you will remember that is a quote from Monty Python’s Flying Circus. This… Continue reading