LETTER: Will remember Trump for different actions

He’ll remember Trump

A recent letter on Oct. 19 suggests that when we mark our ballots we should remember all the good things that President Donald Trump has done to our country.

That’s a good idea.

I’ll remember that he rammed through a tax cut that primarily benefits people who already have enough money for dozens of luxurious lifetimes.

How many millions went into Donald’s pocket?

I’ll remember that his policies have created a bloated, over-heated and unsustainable economy propped up by trillions of dollars of borrowed money.

When the bubble breaks it will be ugly beyond all imaginings.

But Donald doesn’t care, he’s got his.

I’ll remember his choice for the Supreme Court is an alcoholic liar with a history of barroom brawling and allegations of sexual misconduct.

I’ll remember that Donald, himself an admitted sexual assaulter, mocked and slandered the victims of sexual assault and proclaimed the rapists as the true victims.

I’ll remember the colossal corruption of the Trump administration.

No integrity, no honor, no shame.

They are all just plundering the country as fast as they can.

I’ll remember the thousands of lies and insults he has uttered, his attacks on a free and independent press and his craven sucking up to despots and murderers.

Yeah, I’ll remember those things and more.

And after I have voted I will say a little prayer that every complicit Republican on every ballot in every state goes down in ignominious defeat.

Paul Creasey,
