Local Washington High School Equestrian Teams graduating seniors with their coaches are

Local Washington High School Equestrian Teams graduating seniors with their coaches are

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Peninsula riders win big, break records

ASIDE FROM GETTING drenched with rain at their third and final district meet in Elma last weekend, Washington State High School Equestrian Teams from Port Angeles and Sequim experienced some record-breaking runs in the games events.

In pole bending, Sequim graduate Clara Duncan’s record was broken by Tylar Decker with a time of 21.490 seconds.

A short time later, Kynzie Hendricks beat her time with 20.760 and now possesses the District 4 record.

Kynzie also broke the record in Figure 8 with a time of 17.915.

In fact, Peninsula riders were the top five in poles, with Kynzie in first, Tylar in second, Emily VanAusdle in third, Anne Meek in fourth and Brianna Albright in fifth.

Sequim coach Terri Winters lauded the riders: “Our teams have such amazing kids with fast, talented horses that just went zip, zip, zip right through the course and across that finish line.”

On Saturday afternoon, seven Sequim and two Port Angeles seniors were recognized with the traditional Senior Salute.

During the program, each senior wrote about and read out loud her memories of participating in WAHSET.

Watching most of these seniors was emotional for the coaches and parents, said Winters, who added: “We will post district results and awards later. Right now, we’re preparing for the state WAHSET meet on May 17-19 in Moses Lake.”

She congratulated the Sequim Equestrian Team on a job well-done thus far: Eilena Sharpe (team captain), Matisen Anders, Kyla Gabriel, Anne, Christina Overby, Justine Roads, Tylar, Brianna, Kelly Anders and Emily Millar.


Team wins

■ Birangle — Tylar/Anne, first; Eilena/Brianna, sixth.

■ Canadian flags — Anne/Tylar/Brianna/Eilena, first.

■ IHOR — Eilena/Matisen/Christina/Justine, sixth.

■ Drill working fours — Eilena (drill captain)/Tylar/Brianna/Kelly/Anne, fourth.

■ Cow sorting — Matisen/Kelly, third.

■ Pairs — Eilena/Kyla, sixth; Christina/Justine, 11th; Kelly/Matisen, 13th.

Individual wins

■ Dressage — Eilena, 12th; Kyla, 14th.

■ Showmanship — Christina, eighth; Justine, ninth; Eilena, 10th.

■ In-hand trail — Kelly, second.

■ Trail — Justine, fourth; Christina, sixth; Eilena, 14th.

■ Working rancher — Christina, fourth; Emily M., eighth.

■ Reining — Emily M., second; Matisen, fifth; Christina, ninth.

■ Stock seat — Christina, seventh; Matisen, 10th; Justine, 12th.

■ Hunt seat — Kyla, 14th.

■ Hunt seat over fences — Kyla, sixth.

■ Saddle seat — Kyla, second.

■ Poles — Tylar, second; Anne, fourth; Brianna, fifth.

■ Barrels — Tylar, first; Anne, fourth; Brianna, eighth.

■ Figure eight — Anne, second; Brianna, sixth

■ Keyhole — Tylar, first; Eilena, ninth.

■ Flags — Kyla, eighth; Tylar, 11th; Brianna, 14th.

■ Steer daubing — Anne, fourth.

Port Angeles

Coach Manon Heistand congratulated the Port Angeles Equestrian Team of Emily V., Ashley Farmer, Rielly Reed, Lydia Cornelson, Lilly Masters, Ciara Gentry, Cassidy Hodgin, Paige Swordmaker, Kynzie, Kat Afton, Megan Donald, Rachel Breitbach, McCanna Sanders, Katie Rivers, Micayla Weider, Lauren Gallacci, Kayla Bryan and Ashlee Thomas.

Team wins

■ Team Penning — Emily V./Ashley, first.

■ Birangle — Emily V./Ashley, fifth; Ciara/Cassidy, 15th.

■ Drill — Ciara/Cassidy/Ashley/Rachel, sixth.

■ IHOR — Rachel/Ashley/Lauren/Paige, sixth; Megan/Kat/McCanna/Thomas, eighth; Kayla/Cassidy/Katie/Micayla, ninth.

Individual wins

■ Flags — Rielly, first; Lydia, 12th; Lilly, 15th.

■ Daubing — Emily V., eighth.

■ Breakaway roping — Emily V., first.

■ Barrels — Kynzie, third; Rielly, fifth; Paige, 15th.

■ Poles — Kynzie, first with record time; Emily V., third.

■ Figure eight — Kynzie, first with record time; Rielly, fifth.

■ Keyhole — Kynzie, third; Megan, seventh; Ashley, 13th; Kat, 15th.

■ Reining — Megan, seventh; Rachel, eighth; Ashley, 11th.

■ Stock seat — Rachel, sixth; Cassidy, 11th; McCanna, 12th.

■ Hunt seat — Katie, sixth; McCanna, eighth; Kat, 12th; Cassidy, 15th.

■ Jumping — Micayla, first; Katie, third.

■ Dressage — Katie, second; Kat, fourth; Micayla, sixth.

■ Working rancher — Rachel, fifth; Megan, 10th; Cassidy, 13th.

■ Trail — Kat, ninth; Paige, 11th; Megan, 15th.

■ Showmanship — McCanna, 11th.

Adventure Trail

Starting at 10 a.m. Saturday, the Olympic Adventure Trail 12K and Half Marathon will take place on the Adventure Trail from Joyce, Access Road east.

Organizer Lorrie Campbell said about 200 runners are signed up for the event, which is a fundraiser for the Peninsula Trails Coalition, specifically the Adventure Trail.

For safety reasons, equestrians should avoid using that section of the trail until after 2 p.m.

For more information, phone Lorrie at 360-775-4620.


■ 11 a.m. Saturday, April 27 — Open Western Games Fun Show, hosted by the Jefferson County 4-H Horse Project during the Expo at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Port Townsend.

Cost is $15 for entries postmarked by April 22, $20 afterward or day of show. Expo entry fee not included.

Concessions will be available. Show forms are available at most feed and tack stores.

For more information or show forms, phone Tanya Schweiter at 360-301-3559.

■ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 27 — Jerry Pelican clinic, “Preparing the Equine Body for Performance,” at Olympic View Stables, 136 Finn Hall Road in Agnew.

Phone Carol Madden at 360-912-4005 or 360-670-7739

Back Country Horsemen, Peninsula chapter

■ 6 p.m. today — Board meeting at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

■ 9 a.m. Saturday, April 20 — Mule Barn Days at Olympic National Park’s Elwha Mule Barn.

Freedom Farm events (493 Spring Road in Agnew)

■ 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 20 — Practice show.

■ Noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, April 21 — Cowmanship class.

■ Noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, April 28 — Adult workshop.

■ Rider fitness classes are every Saturday at 7 a.m. at Anytime Fitness, 10131 Old Olympic Highway in Sequim. Gym membership is not required.

For more information, contact Mary Gallagher at 360-457-4897 or freedom@olypen.com.


Karen Griffiths’ column, Peninsula Horseplay, appears every other Wednesday.

If you have a horse event, clinic or seminar you would like listed, please email Griffiths at kbg@olympus.net at least two weeks in advance. You can also write Griffiths at PDN, P.O. Box 1330, Port Angeles, WA 98362.

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