LETTER:Signaling respect

I always enjoy reading The Conversation in the PDN.

It stimulates thought, causing me to evaluate my biases and consider new ideas.

I have thought quite a bit about Christopher Beem’s commentary, (PDN, Sept.3-4) where he used the term virtue signaling to postulate that changing words to label something, such as Vermont College of Fine Arts using alumnx to replace alumni, is signaling a desire to be virtuous.

I disagree with that assumption.

Language is dynamic and changes all the time, hence different versions of a dictionary with new words added.

At this point in human evolution I’m struggling with remembering to use all the new terms for gender identity, and to use them correctly.

I am far from virtuous.

My intention is to be respectful of changes in our society.

If that makes someone uncomfortable, I would love to have a conversation with them about it.

Not everyone wants to change and that’s okay.

I don’t have a tribe with whom I communicate.

I have a diversity of individual human beings in my life.

My goal, as a not-so-virtuous person, is to communicate respect for others’ preferences.

We all struggle with change.

If my use of the word alumnx offends someone, let’s talk about it and, please, do not assume I feel virtuous or am doing any signaling other than respect.

Linda Benson
