LETTER: Face coverings

Some good news: On Sept. 8, the governor issued a statement declaring the termination of the state of emergency by Oct. 31.

About time, nearly 1,000 days of serfdom is about all I can handle.

I wonder if there is some sort of election coming up in November, but I digress.

The bad news: the statewide face covering order issued by the state Department of Health will remain in place for health care settings after the state of emergency ends.

If the Department of Health ever wants to regain the public’s trust regarding future health-related issues, the face covering order must be rescinded.

You can go to a crowded theater, bar, restaurant, church service, sporting event or big box store without a mask, but you have to wear one to visit the optometrist or dentist?

Requiring masks in health care settings will not prevent a new COVID-19 variant from spreading, first because I think masks demonstrably don’t work, and second because people will be mask-free everywhere else.

Citizens have a multitude of reasons to vote Republican this November to reverse damaging Democrat policies on inflation, crime, the border, homelessness, energy production, lockdowns, education, etc.

Add this one to the list.

Jerry Ludke

Port Angeles