Twelve years ago, new Jefferson County Commissioner David Sullivan said the sooner the better when asked about the Tri-Area sewer system.
Now we read that the Ajax Cafe is closed [“Ajax Cafe To Close After Dinner Tonight Until Further Notice,” Oct. 9, PDN] and people are out of work because the sewer doesn’t exist.
The county has spent money on this project. Staff has been paid with money from the sewer account.
Loans have been obtained that need to be repaid plus interest.
Recently, Jefferson County refinanced bonds for the sewer that require payments.
Permits were obtained, which isn’t cheap, and they have expired, requiring a whole new process.
About $1.5 million was paid for land about three years ago that sits fallow.
Bottom line is time, money and rhetoric expended on this project has not resulted in one shovel of dirt being turned.
Jefferson County needs a fiscally responsible county commissioner like Tim Thomas, and I urge you to vote for him.
Bob Sokol,
Port Townsend
Sokol is a former Port of Port Townsend commissioner and former member of the Jefferson County Growth Management Steering Committee.