LETTER: Port Angeles an ‘active, engaged enemy of trees’

I’m writing about the Peninsula Daily News’ April 9 headline “PA council looks to regain Tree City USA designation.”

They’ve got to be kidding.

I bet almost every one here can point to places where the appearance of our town has recently gone from a well-treed city, to just another piece of cement and concrete.

I cite both public and private locations.

And most obviously, Lincoln Park (“Tree removal clears path for airlifts, commercial service at Fairchild,” PDN, July 11, 2017) .

And these are only the ones I see everyday.

With enough care, planning and cooperation the runway really could have been extended.

Of course, if it’s only a bureaucratic designation, and has nothing to do with actual trees, it’s a totally empty title.

This town is completely the opposite of a “Tree City.”

It is an active, engaged enemy of trees, many of whom have been here a lot longer than the city.

Kristen Larson,

Port Angeles