LETTER: Not many options for pain management, state health care

How does the government deal with figuring deaths that are from cheap Chinese bathtub fentanyl or Billy taking too many of someone else’s legal medications and overdosing?

Now let’s say we’re having a “opioid crisis.”

Am I to believe that now that I have been on these legal meds for more than 25 years?

Nobody ever told me this could happen.

One is better off being pro-active about one’s issues and finding a real doctor that will take the time.

Many if not all of the modalities that the Agency Medical Directors’ Group guidelines call for are covered. The state Agency Medical Directors’ Group is supposed to “maximize the value, quality, safety, and delivery of state-purchased health care,” according to its website.

Please tell which are covered for folks like me?

Answer: Zero.

Then go find a “pain specialist” who is for folks like me. It’s my understanding that anything over 120 milligrams of morphine per day has to go before these types of doctors.

Please tell how a doctor can spend less than one to two minutes reading your pain file that is reams thick.


They read the last two pages and toss all of the AMDG plans in the round file.


Because nobody’s going to spend the money needed for such medical care.

So yeah, the system is doing poorly and adding more paper shufflers.

They figure any person taking pain meds is a junkie and treat you as such.

I know of no pain doctors on the Peninsula taking new folks with Medicaid.

The system needs to pick up and fill huge gaps in rural areas where doctors are nowhere to be found.

This but the tip of the iceberg, my friend.

Eric Miller,
