LETTER: Letters parrot what they hear on CNN

I told my husband I was going to write a letter responding to the nonsense letters of people who parrot what they hear on CNN, but he said it was a waste of time.

First, the letters repeat the media lie that Trump is a racist.

However, unlike the writer parroting the media version, I saw the unedited speech on Fox and so I know that’s a lie.

Second, the letters claim he’s a misogynist, which is a joke totally without substantiation.

And, of course, he’s a liar, unlike Obama, whose pages of serious lies like “you can keep your doctor,” were ignored by the mainstream media.

Meanwhile, the media parses everything Trump says and runs his words through a left-wing fact checker whose honesty ranks up there with Pinocchio, then call him a liar if he misses by one.

Now, this recent letter parrots the mainstream’s authoritarian babble without a single example.

The media hasn’t even attempted to twist truth on that one, they just proclaim it.

After all, their word is law.

The only thing in the letter connected to reality is his ironic statement on the wall.

We’re being overrun by illegal aliens and the Democratic party leaders are blocking action on fixing the crisis.

Their plan to fix the crisis is to turn us into Venezuela which doesn’t have an immigration problem.

Of course then they’ll have to build a wall to keep people from getting out.

Joan Keegan,

Port Angeles