LETTER: Kudos to Legislature for taking/wasting time choosing state cryptid

I read with interest Peninsula Daily News columnist Pat Neal’s Feb 22 column [“Will Sasquatch Ascend Cryptid Throne?”] about the effort in Olympia to have the Sasquatch selected as the Washington State “cryptid.”

As an aside, it is refreshing to note, as Pat did, that things in Olympia are so well-ordered that they can spend time on this lesser, though still important, topic.

Aside from all the benefits suggested from choosing the Sasquatch — Should we call him/her/it “Squatchie”?) — think of the new avenues available for the politically correct crowd in selecting names for sports teams that still use “insensitive” names such as Vikings, Raiders — Who dares offend a Viking raider? — and the like as well as the truly insensitive ones such as Chiefs, Indians, Redskins, etc.

They can now select from among the exciting name such as Squatches, Big Feet, Sea Serpents, Water Dragons or even the generic Cryptids.

The schools could host contests to choose the best logo and nickname, and cheer to celebrate the chosen cryptid.

The mind positively boggles at the myriad opportunities to resensitize the language.

As a further aside, we could continue on to the non-cryptid, real animal known as the slug and choose it as the state Onchidiidae or Soleolifera.

That would really set Washington in the forefront of the too-much-time-on-their-hands crowd.

Just imagine the North Olympic Sluggos.

Bravo to our state Legislature for taking the time to explore this important topic.

Robert McCauley,
