LETTER: Fears for West End if Doherty elected

Clallam County residents in the West End of Port Angeles who vote in District 3, I ask you, with respect, to consider carefully what you hear from candidate Mike Doherty in this contentious election.

Doherty has asserted his support for the timber industry at several forums, but when it comes to representing interests and well-being of District 3 constituents, his record has not been good.

He speaks about his work with timber counties, but he was elected to represent us, not other jurisdictions.

Perhaps this sounds selfish, but our needs are significant and should be addressed, and what outcomes can be attributed to his past work with “other timber counties”?

Our mills are gone, the county faces impacts from loss of logging revenue and friends no longer have jobs.

We have had the lowest median income and highest unemployment in the county for years, and those issues have caused problems, illicit drugs, unemployment, fewer living-wage jobs and the list could go on.

Meanwhile Doherty promotes electric vehicle charging stations and states that he sees climate change as our biggest challenge.

District 3 needs real help from its elected officials, not platitudes about far-off environmental goals.

As an almost 50-year resident of the West End, I fear for our community should Doherty be re-elected.

So please, my friends, please vote for Bill Peach as though you lived out here.

Nedra Reed,
