LETTER: Benedict resourceful, honest and dedicated in Clallam

Supports Benedict

It is my pleasure to support Clallam County Sheriff Bill Benedict for re-election.

I have known Benedict for more than 15 years and find that he is conscientious, honest, professional and resourceful.

I have over 40 years experience as a law enforcement officer.

I have worked for two sheriff departments and was a federal agent for 25 years.

I find that Benedict is resourceful, honest and dedicated to our community.

The Sheriff’s Office has only 95 employees, but has 153 active volunteers.

The sheriff’s commitment to fostering community partnerships with local organizations, law enforcement, fire departments, tribes and federal agencies has allowed the office to allocate its limited resources in a cost-effective manner.

The sheriff is a huge supporter of community policing, community emergency response teams and search and rescue teams.

The thousands of residents he has trained through neighborhood watch has allowed the office to maintain a low crime rate because of the high degree of community involvement working with it.

A demonstrated measure of Benedict’s professional commitment is evident in that he is the first sheriff in Clallam County to have achieved full accreditation by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

Bill Benedict has earned my trust and support.

He deserves our vote for another term.

Sterling B. Epps,
