The Sequim Police Department recently received a donation of 50 all-weather protective ponchos to distribute to the local homeless population. The donation was… Continue reading
Nearly two years after Italy’s highest court acquitted Amanda Knox and her former Italian boyfriend of murdering… Continue reading
Washington State University wants to increase the number of students from foreign countries who enroll at… Continue reading
First Federal Community Foundation has donated $50,000 to the Olympic Medical Center Foundation for the campaign to raise funds for the expansion… Continue reading
The Port Angeles Fire Department is so overworked and understaffed that the city is risking a downgrade in its fire insurance rating,… Continue reading
For the first time in four decades, members of the Electoral College in Washington state have broken from the state’s popular vote for… Continue reading
There were many protesters but few faithless electors as Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote Monday — ensuring he will become… Continue reading
The Clallam County Treasurer’s Office sold seven of 11 foreclosed parcels that were auctioned Dec. 9 for a combined $71,236, ending a… Continue reading
A car driven by a Santa Barbara, Calif., college student rolled over on an ice-slicked Little River Road after having been pulled… Continue reading
The Washington State University Master Gardener program is accepting applications until Friday. Students must attend a 10-week training session that includes WSU… Continue reading
Five Olympic Medical Center employees from the medical/surgical unit recently received recognition awards during a board meeting from Board President John Nutter… Continue reading
Flames ripped through the exterior of a home on the west side of Port Angeles Sunday morning while a resident was away… Continue reading
OLYMPIA – More than $2 million has been awarded to North Olympic Peninsula projects by the Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board. Seven projects in Jefferson… Continue reading
Clallam County is stepping up its efforts to address climate change, Commissioner Mark Ozias said last week. County officials will be more… Continue reading
Gov. Jay Inslee will try to convince lawmakers in the upcoming session to do something voters wouldn’t last month — approve a new… Continue reading
Tim McCray signed into Facebook a few weeks ago and scrolled through his news feed as he… Continue reading
Somewhere on the currents of Puget Sound is a clear glass wine bottle containing a conversation.… Continue reading
John Greystoke, a Port Angeles man charged with stabbing a roommate in the abdomen, has a new trial date. Greystoke, 50, is… Continue reading
It will cost a couple of extra bucks to camp at Salt Creek or the Dungeness Recreation Area next year. Clallam County… Continue reading
Feel safer now I didn’t think it could get any worse than the Clintons’ scandals, but that was before the eight years of Obama. It… Continue reading