Clallam County

Quake drill this morning at 10:19 across North Olympic Peninsula

Quake drill this morning at 10:19 across North Olympic Peninsula

Drop. Cover. Hold on. Follow those steps for your best chance to survive a major earthquake, which could occur at any time on one of… Continue reading

Quake drill this morning at 10:19 across North Olympic Peninsula

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Crossing lines, coming together: Stories make it possible

WHEN YOU’RE THE messenger bearing another person’s story, you perform a sacred act. It begins, of course, with listening. And listening some more, with heart… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A good day’s fishing

DID YOU EVER have one of those days where nothing seems to go right? When everything you try, try and try again ends in a… Continue reading

Season’s rain, wind begins: Storms also expected today, Saturday after Tuesday blow

Season’s rain, wind begins: Storms also expected today, Saturday after Tuesday blow

The first storm of the fall season blew into the North Olympic Peninsula on Tuesday, with a second storm forecast today and a third Saturday.… Continue reading

Season’s rain, wind begins: Storms also expected today, Saturday after Tuesday blow
Second-class city measure debated before Port Angeles Business Association

Second-class city measure debated before Port Angeles Business Association

The campaign for Port Angeles to revert back to a second-class city has been fueled with misinformation, David Mabrey said during a… Continue reading

Second-class city measure debated before Port Angeles Business Association
Indigent defense changes: Clallam County commisioners aim to save money

Indigent defense changes: Clallam County commisioners aim to save money

In an effort to save money, two Clallam County commissioners are working to restructure public defense for low-income defendants in district court,… Continue reading

Indigent defense changes: Clallam County commisioners aim to save money

Ecology lays out plan for considering Pacific shore projects

The state Department of Ecology is seeking public comment on a draft plan to address how to make decisions about potential new projects… Continue reading

Sen. Murray gets Greywolf tour

Sen. Murray gets Greywolf tour

Progress at Greywolf Elementary School — both in and about its classrooms — is getting plenty of attention. Last week, U.S. Sen. Patty… Continue reading

Sen. Murray gets Greywolf tour

“Slow Down, Move Over” emphasis patrol starts today

The State Patrol will conduct a statewide “Slow Down, Move Over” emphasis patrol today through Friday to bring awareness to a law that… Continue reading

Pilot project to help students complete GEDs

United Way of Clallam County and Peninsula College have collaborated on a fund to help students seeking a General Education Development certificate.… Continue reading

Court agrees to take on US-Microsoft dispute over emails

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to take on a major dispute over the government’s authority to force… Continue reading

Forest-thinning project saved homes but highlights obstacles

Forest-thinning project saved homes but highlights obstacles

Lightning started a forest fire one August afternoon near this Oregon tourist town, and it was… Continue reading

Forest-thinning project saved homes but highlights obstacles

LETTER: Kudos to Nash, PDN, Gazette for Mad Hatter story

Matthew Nash’s article on the Mad Hatter Tea (“Survivors, supporters rally … “) in the Sequim Gazette on Oct. 4 and the Peninsula Daily News… Continue reading

LETTER: Large election contributions endanger democracy

Is our democracy at risk? As long as we keep allowing our politicians to accept large contributions from special interest groups, I say yes. Is… Continue reading

LETTER: Race Street design needs to focus on vehicular traffic

Race Street from Front Street is the main entrance in Port Angeles to the Olympic National Park and mainly Lauridsen Boulevard. Race Street is the… Continue reading

LETTER: Wants to see the pool’s data before election

and possibly future — user of the William Shore Pool in Port Angeles, I’ve personally seen… Continue reading

New push for automatic voter registration set for Washington

Activists are preparing for a new push to enact automatic voter registration in the state either in the upcoming… Continue reading

NEWS BRIEFS: Shelter Providers meeting set … and other items

The Shelter Providers Network of Clallam County will hear from Olympic Community Action Programs about a proposed levy to create an affordable… Continue reading

WSU Extension offers ‘Whole Farm Planning’ course

WSU Clallam and Jefferson county extension offices are offering “Cultivating Success: Whole Farm Planning,” an eight-week series for local farmers and producers, held simultaneously in… Continue reading

Evening Talk canceled

Olympic Natural Resources Center’s Evening Talk scheduled for 7 tonight has been canceled due to the speaker’s illness. The center will aim to… Continue reading