LETTER: Van Hoover the best fit for Jefferson Healthcare hospital commission

The letter writer in support of candidate Bruce McComas [“For McComas” Aug. 18, PDN] is apparently unaware of Cheri Van Hoover’s resume and therefore doesn’t recognize the wealth of experience she brings to the Jefferson Healthcare hospital commission.

Cheri Van Hoover has a rich background in health care policy, management and finance.

Her decades of experience include managing people and budgets.

She teaches master’s-level students health care policy.

She has a master’s degree and has been awarded numerous accolades for her publications.

In contrast, Mr. McComas’ senior management experience includes working for Port Townsend Paper, which, a few years into his tenure, was described as unprofitable, according to a Port Townsend Leader report.

While he was in senior management at the mill, the mill’s Moody’s rating was reduced to a C.

The company stopped paying some vendors and filed for bankruptcy, according to a Seattle Times report.

The financial results during his stay as a senior manager at the mill were dismal. Finally, Mr. McComas was terminated, according to the Port Townsend Leader.

In contrast, Cheri Van Hoover brings her ability to work with others to build consensus, which our commission is lacking.

She is ready to hit the ground running and work for the taxpayers of our community to help provide us with the best health care possible.

Eva Raczkowski ­Bennett,

Port Townsend