PORT ANGELES -- Back home after a long flight back from an early season trip to Ireland, the Peninsula College men's soccer team opened NWAACC… Continue reading
Port Angeles (3A) • League: Olympic • Coach: Christine Halberg (second year) • Last year: 4-7 in league (sixth), 4-10 overall; Eliminated in 3A sub-district… Continue reading
IT ISN'T TOO often that North Olympic Peninsula golfers have the chance to cheer for four of their own in a Professional Golf Association (PGA)… Continue reading
Port Townsend, Sequim, Neah Bay and Crescent are all still alive in the state football picture with the Redskins in a loser-out preliminary game tonight… Continue reading
THE CLOCK OPERATOR had it right. After the Sequim Wolves kicked off with a commanding 45-0 lead over the Forks Spartans in the third quarter,… Continue reading
JOYCE -- Dylen Heaward scored five touchdowns as Crescent stomped the Mary M. Knight Owl 54-7 in Saturday's opening game. "It's a real good start… Continue reading
SEQUIM -- Sequim quarterback Drew Rickerson was almost perfect on opening night. So too, were the rest of the Wolves (1-0 overall). Sequim debuted its… Continue reading
• Tuna talk -- John Keizer and Paul Castillo of saltpatrol.com will speak at the Puget Sound Anglers-East Jefferson Chapter monthly meeting at the Marina… Continue reading
IT GOT AWFULLY cold on the North Olympic Peninsula, in more ways than one. Blown-out rivers made for some forgetful fishing during Thanksgiving weekend, the… Continue reading
Coaches tend to downplay the importance of the nonleague season in high school football. Yet it's hard to deny the sort of boost starting a… Continue reading
TIME TO COUNT your crabs. The summer recreational crab fishery comes to a close in Marine Areas 6 (eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca) and… Continue reading
I DEBATED ABOUT whether I should let this not-so-secret secret slip so soon. It would have come out eventually, so here goes: I'm a pretty… Continue reading
• Pink pleasure -- There aren't too many times when one is guaranteed a fish. Yet that appears to be the case in Sekiu right… Continue reading
PERHAPS THERE WAS something to that Y2K bug after all. We just weren't looking in the right places. For it was the state's big-game hunting… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Rich Butler, who has coached the Port Angeles High School boys swimming and diving team since 1998, has been selected to also… Continue reading
ON THE FRONT page of the Peninsula Daily News sports section for Nov. 21, 2000, the editor's note of my first column read: "Billy Sallee,… Continue reading
A GOOD FRIEND of mine once argued that anything can be art. He said that art was undefined; an expression of a concept in the… Continue reading
Grinnell competes at world event MARIBOR, Slovenia -- Port Angeles resident Jaiden Grinnell recently traveled halfway across the world to participate in the 2009 International… Continue reading
ANGLERS ARE RUNNING out of time to pillage pink salmon. No doubt the gargantuan run, which typically begins to tail off inside the Strait of… Continue reading
• Sekiu salmon --If you don't catch a salmon while fishing at Sekiu, you're fired. After all, everybody else seems to be bringing in at… Continue reading