PORT ANGELES — The city of Port Angeles is launching an over the counter, same-day permitting program in an effort to make the process more efficient.
Through the “Super Tuesdays with Triston” program, eligible permit applications can be processed and issued on the same day. While minor residential permits could previously take weeks to process, the goal is that this program will eliminate delays and allow residents to start their projects, according to a press release.
Every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a break from 11 a.m. to noon, city permit technician Triston Carlstrom will be available to assist with fees, application submissions and over-the-counter permits.
Appointments are encouraged but not required. Individuals can make an appointment online by choosing “Building Division Inquiry” at cityofpa.us/1057/Meet-with-a-Specialist.
Even if the booking shows no availability, individuals are welcome to walk in, city Communications Manager Jess Straits said.
The program is already up and running. Interested individuals can stop by city hall on Tuesdays to check it out.
The program applies to simple, low-complexity residential projects that do not require detailed plans or extensive reviews. That includes minor residential mechanical work, minor residential plumbing work and residential miscellaneous work.
For other types of permits, staff will be available to assist during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
For more information, visit the city’s website, stop by city hall, email permits@cityofpa.us or call 360-417-4817.
Reporter Emma Maple can be reached by email at emma.maple@peninsuladailynews.com.