PORT ANGELES — Work crews from Bruch and Bruch Construction, Inc. will begin the east city hall parking lot project on Monday.
The east parking lot at city hall will be closed, beginning today, throughout construction, which is expected to be completed by mid-August.
All cars must be removed from the lot. Any remaining there on Monday will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Alternate parking during the construction is available in the south parking lot, the east end of the lot at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St. and on Fourth, Fifth and Peabody streets.
The bike racks at the main entrance to the building and to the east of the Vern Burton Community Center, 308 E. Fourth St., will be open throughout construction.
City hall is also located on Clallam Transit’s fare-free route 22, which stops on the north side of the building every 30 minutes; detailed schedule information on this and other routes is posted at www.clallamtransit.com.
The project will recondition the surface of the parking lot using low impact development techniques to decrease the stormwater discharge rate, reduce peak flows to Peabody Creek and treat parking lot runoff to remove common pollutants such as zinc, copper and petroleum hydrocarbons.
The project design consists of a porous asphalt parking lot over top an aggregate stormwater storage reservoir to detain runoff and slowly release it into a bioretention cell in the grassy area outside city hall.
Additional runoff from the surrounding streets will be captured and treated by a bioretention cell that will be installed along Peabody Street.
The project also will install five cisterns under the building’s roof line to collect roof runoff water to redirect to the bioretention cell.
The project is being constructed with a $1.56 million grant from the state Department of Ecology and $177,428 in matching funds from the city.
For more information, call the city’s Public Works and Utilities department at 360-417-4800 or visit www.cityofpa.us/cityprojects.