PORT ANGELES — Drennan & Ford Funeral Home & Crematory has begun its eighth annual Operation Valentine collection program.
The project allows community members to create handmade Valentine’s Day cards to be delivered to U.S. veterans or active-duty service members.
Cards also can be brought to the Drennan & Ford office at 260 Monroe Road between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays through Friday, Feb. 2.
Other recipients of the cards may be actively deployed or an elderly veteran. Envelopes are not necessary.
It is suggested that a return response from the veteran not be requested, as the nature of his or her injury or illness or the status of his or her current service may preclude him or her from responding, event organizers said.
Drennan & Ford has support from Greywolf, Jefferson and Roosevelt elementary schools; Stevens and Sequim middle schools; Crescent School and the Boys & Girls Club of the Olympic Peninsula.
Funeral home owners Steve and Leah Ford will collect the valentines at area schools Feb. 2.
For more information, call 360-457-1210, email steve@drennanford.com or visit www.drennanford.com.