PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Heritage Advisory Board will accept applications for historic preservation grants until noon Sept. 16.
Grants can be made for public programming, capital improvements, equipment, collections management or training that supports the preservation or enhancement of the county’s history for residents, visitors and future generations.
Grant applications may be submitted by:
• Public entities or nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations that operate or own a museum or similar historical institution, promoting local history within the boundaries of Clallam County.
• Entities performing educational, interpretive or similar activities that promote local history within county boundaries.
• Individuals or entities that own property within the county that is listed on a local, state or national historic register.
Applications are posted at www.tinyurl.com/PDN-Heritage-Grant.
For more information, call the county commissioners’ office at 360-417-2256 or email loni.gores@clallam countywa.gov.