
PENINSULA HORSEPLAY: Riders hoof it through bad weather

PENINSULA HORSEPLAY: Riders hoof it through bad weather

INCLEMENT WEATHER AND sloppy ground didn’t deter fans of Jefferson County’s Silver Spurs 4-H horse shows. And why would it when the last show of… Continue reading

PENINSULA HORSEPLAY: Riders hoof it through bad weather
PENINSULA KITCHEN: ‘Tis the season for pie recipes

PENINSULA KITCHEN: ‘Tis the season for pie recipes

IT’S NEARING THANKSGIVING, and, as has been the case every other year during my marriage, it’s my turn to host the family meal in our… Continue reading

PENINSULA KITCHEN: ‘Tis the season for pie recipes

Harvest Wine & Cider Tour pours over this weekend on Peninsula

Regional brewers and vintners, having bottled the flavors of autumn, this weekend invite area residents and visitors to experience the essences they have captured during… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: ‘To open your mind, open your heart first’

“A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together.” (Ecclesiastes 3:5) THOUGH THIS COLUMN is scheduled to appear in the PDN… Continue reading

Mandolin performance, library book sale among events this weekend

A mandolin performance and a library book sale are among the weekend’s activities on the North Olympic Peninsula. For more about this weekend’s photography show… Continue reading

BACK WHEN: How a Sequim church transformed into a playhouse

BACK WHEN: How a Sequim church transformed into a playhouse

SEVERAL PEOPLE RECOGNIZED the October Picture from the Past as the old Methodist Church on Sequim Avenue and Fir Street. The photo was taken sometime… Continue reading

BACK WHEN: How a Sequim church transformed into a playhouse
Master Gardener to discuss sedums at Nov. 10 event in Port Angeles

Master Gardener to discuss sedums at Nov. 10 event in Port Angeles

Master Gardener Marsha Robin will share ideas for creative sedum growing, indoors and in the Pacific Northwest garden, at noon Thursday. The… Continue reading

Master Gardener to discuss sedums at Nov. 10 event in Port Angeles

A GROWING CONCERN: Make the cut to get garden growing

AS WE MOVE into November, which is the prime time for pruning many of your plants, let’s pause to contemplate how most, if not all… Continue reading

BIRD WATCH: Respite from the rain calls to birds, humans alike

POURING RAIN FOR too many days messes with your seasonal clock. On those rare days when the clouds suddenly part and the sunshine makes you… Continue reading

HELP LINE: Loneliness is the silent killer of elders

To defeat loniliness, do something, anything, that interacts with other people.

Bazaar options range across Peninsula

Bazaar options range across Peninsula

Halloween is over, the air is wet with autumn rain and on the North Olympic Peninsula, the Christmas season has already begun. A number of… Continue reading

Bazaar options range across Peninsula

ISSUES OF FAITH: Let the mask go and let God

Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing; heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled.… Continue reading

Good balance topic of free forum in Sequim

The best way to prevent falls is to move as often as possible and as productively as possible in the best possible core alignment, the presenter says.

Port Hadlock lecture’s focus on Wednesday is altering human genetics

Port Hadlock lecture’s focus on Wednesday is altering human genetics

The first of two free lectures on gene science is set for Wednesday.  Rod Mitchell will speak at 6 p.m. at the… Continue reading

Port Hadlock lecture’s focus on Wednesday is altering human genetics
From left, Brenden McMahan, Lucy Townsend, teach Michelle Weber, Warren Reynolds, Storey Schmidt, teacher Sara Hochberger, Christopher Swegle and Kamryn Warsky show off decorated pumpkins. Not pictured are teacher Lisa McCoy. (Port Angeles School District)

Hamilton students decorate pumpkins

Hamilton Elementary first-grade teachers Michelle Weber, Sara Hochberger and Lisa McCoy assign their students a family homework project each fall around the… Continue reading

From left, Brenden McMahan, Lucy Townsend, teach Michelle Weber, Warren Reynolds, Storey Schmidt, teacher Sara Hochberger, Christopher Swegle and Kamryn Warsky show off decorated pumpkins. Not pictured are teacher Lisa McCoy. (Port Angeles School District)

A GROWING CONCERN: A blooming-great time to plant bulbs

Here’s a list of 12 mandatory bulbs to buy to help make us “Flower Peninsula USA.”

BIRD WATCH: Table manners particular to each species

This is the perfect time to watch birds that have settled in for the winter.

HELP LINE: Instead of falling for scams, ask for advice

Con artists abound, trying to steal information or gain money. Be cautious.

Spooky sights to haunt Peninsula downtowns Halloween afternoon

Spooky sights to haunt Peninsula downtowns Halloween afternoon

Little monsters decked out in costumes and seeking treats will swarm with their parents through downtown streets in Port Townsend, Sequim and Port Angeles on… Continue reading

Spooky sights to haunt Peninsula downtowns Halloween afternoon

Art exhibit, movie screening and harvest dinner this weekend

And other events and activities throughout the North Olympic Peninsula.