LETTER:Trump funds

Before you throw another pity party and start a GoFundMe campaign to Trump’s latest defamation fines and settlements with New York over his fraudulent business practices, you might want to remember that he wasn’t even declaring himself a Republican when he was angering New Yorkers by ripping off small business owners, students and New York taxpayers while abusing bankruptcy laws.

His plans are now to bankrupt the Republican National Committee with his legal bills, using his daughter-in-law on the board., in case you want to continue throwing money away.

It makes you wonder why so many low-income Americans vote for him, but apparently his base loves the sexist, racist and xenophobic speeches more than they love themselves or their children.

And if you think, as small business owners on the North Olympic Peninsula, that posting Trump signs at your business ins going to bring in customers, it only makes one wonder if you are as corrupt in your business practices as Trump is.

Or just plain stupid.

Cheryl Nash

Port Angeles