LETTER:Push for ceasefire

President Biden will absolutely have my vote in November.

The other guy and where he plans to take this country is too awful to contemplate.

But there’s a problem.

Right now this administration is continuing to supply weapons and money to madman Netanyahu enabling him to mercilessly annihilate thousands of innocent citizens in Gaza, with no end in sight.

We grieve at the horrors we see on the news and despite rallies and demands to the administration from citizens, we feel angry and helpless because the Biden administration will not use its leverage to call for a ceasefire.

Approximately two-thirds of Americans support a ceasefire, according to The Hill .

In less than a week Washington voters will receive their ballots for the March 12 Washington state presidential primary election.

Following the lead of a recent write-in campaign in New Hampshire, Vote Ceasefire Washington (www.voteceasefire.info) is urging voters to write-in “Ceasefire” on their primary ballots.

Because this is a primary, we can send a clear message from the voters to Biden now, without affecting the final election.

Nothing is guaranteed, but it is our best hope that this will pressure our president to use the leverage he has, to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and save innocent lives.

Lisa Dekker

Port Angeles