LETTER:Political signs

My family moved to the Peninsula almost eight years ago.

We quickly discovered how interwoven life is here.

We see the same faces in the grocery store and when we conduct any business.

I delight in seeing kids I’ve taught drama to in local elementary schools and then see them around and about.

We often rely on each other in ways that folks in big cities may not.

And that is a beautiful thing.

How can we stay connected, even if we disagree on some things?

I’m proposing an unusual idea: What if we don’t put up yard signs or bumper stickers with our choice for president?

We probably already know who we plan on voting for, our signs most likely won’t change anyone’s mind and may cause tension for someone else.

What if we only put up signs for local candidates?

That’s where we can really make a difference.

What if we choose to step out of the cycle of Us versus Them?

What if it’s Us and Them?

Just a thought…

Asha Burson-Johnson

Port Angeles

EDITOR’S NOTE: Asha Burson-Johnson is a reverend with the Center for Spiritual Living