LETTER:Patriot or Nationalist

This election year our democratic ideals are being tested.

To decide which candidates to choose, consider if they’re patriotic or nationalistic using the concepts of hope, fear, protector, hater.

Patriots hope all eligible citizens vote: free and fair elections guarantee continuation of liberty for all Americans.

Patriots study our country’s history, plan a better future for everyone, honor military service, and want our neighborhoods to be viable, safe from violence and prejudices driven by misinformation, bias, social status.

Patriots, curious about other countries, support their sovereignty.

Patriots fear: apathy, disillusionment with the rule of law; the woes of pandemics, lack of quality health care; mass shootings, panicky gun proliferation; loss of women’s independence; pollution, climate change; poverty, housing shortages; discriminatory fervor; political corruption, decline of democracies on earth.

Nationalists hope the populace submits to an authoritarian party and leader, giving up ideals of our living Constitution, people’s unalienable rights.

Nationalists believe in male superiority, brute force, ruthless retribution for disloyalty.

Female collaborators strive to limit access to opportunity, happiness, security by undeserving people, while the powerful and affluent prevail, intimidating those who work for them.

Nationalists fear: educated, actively participating enemies who vote; free speech; social justice and political protests, demonstrations; equality for citizens no matter our gender, race, ethnicity, spiritual inclinations, age, income, country of origin; people who enjoy freedoms that our form of government provides.

Patriots are protectors.

Nationalists are haters.

In this year’s presidential election, vote for the patriot, Joe Biden.

Gayle Brauner

Port Angeles