LETTER:More information

The COVID-19 outbreak in Clallam County has become a wildfire.

Our case rate is higher than the state average, and our public health organization is struggling to keep pace with the avalanche of new cases.

We have had more than 200 new cases, and our 20th death, in just the past five days.

Dr. Berry’s previous policy of absolute secrecy about where outbreaks were occurring made sense when her office could meticulously trace and track every single exposure.

Now that they are reduced to tracing only the largest outbreaks, and even then in an abbreviated manner, it really is time to let us have the information we need to defend ourselves.

I have neighbors who are convinced that every case is due to tourists bringing the virus here.

Some of those neighbors are victims of the disinformation campaign and probably can’t be reached by facts.

But others are just normal folks who don’t know what places to avoid while the pandemic is raging out of control here in Clallam County.

There was mention of a gym outbreak.

We should know what gym that was, if only so its patrons can know they need to get tested.

More information is better than no information at a time like this.

I hope we will start to get the facts we need to protect ourselves as best we can.

B.D. Moody
