
Why does humanity have such a short attention span when there’s injustice?

Just two short years ago there was a righteous uproar over the attack on Ukraine.

Massive sanctions against Russia, including Russian oligarchs were imposed.

Billions of dollars in financial aid, arms support, and specialized training were given to Ukraine.

While there are 500,000 estimated deaths, 16 times more than the Israeli/Gaza conflict, Ukraine unfortunately is old news and losing support.

Are Jews easier to hate or is ignorance of, or ignoring, the fact that this conflict has gone on for thousands of years has no easy solution?

Just as Russia has lied, and blackmailed the world with fuel/grain, to continue its evil, Hamas has done so as well since 2006 to justify their illegal actions.

If someone randomly took potshots at your family, hoping to kill, and law enforcement responded with “you need to make some concessions so they’ll stop,” would you put up with continued potshots for 17 years?

To be honest, we’d all do like Israel is doing, rooting out every bit of Hamas until there’s a reasonable chance of lasting peace with the remaining Palestinians.

Evil must always be confronted, and stopped, at all costs or we as a civilized world, will ultimately fail.

Please get off your self-righteous soap box and stop being lazy.

Go beyond the simplistic facts posted on social media and become informed instead.

Demand leadership puts an end to those who will never conform to anything other than evil.

Mark Patton

Port Angeles