LETTER:Emery qualified

The voters have determined they want the Clallam County Department of Community Development director to be elected and not appointed.

Most, if not all, candidates for the past few cycles have stated it should be an appointed position.

I am a strong supporter of a highly qualified individual.

I want someone who has the most extensive background in the DCD challenges and the temperament to work with a broad range of citizens and professionals that will put the county and citizens first regardless of the political fallout.

I don’t want a politician.

Bruce Emery has worked both sides of challenging issues as a regulator and as a customer of the DCD.

He has the personality to reach compromise within the limits of the complex regulations.

When faced with a problem he has been able to reach a reasonable compromise that becomes a win-win result.

He is an intelligent levelheaded professional that would be a top candidate if he were applying for DCD director as an appointed position.

I have worked with Bruce on projects his company has performed in the city of Port Angeles.

We did not always see the situation the same way but were always able to come to a reasonable resolution.

This election is about who is able to lead, inspire and manage a highly complex organization and who has the formal education and extensive hands-on experience to meet the complex challenges of the DCD director.

Vote for a professional, Bruce Emery.

Glenn Cutler

Port Angeles

EDITOR’S NOTE: Glenn Cutler is the former Pulblic Works director for Port Angeles.