LETTER:Biden poll

It’s easy to understand why Biden’s polling is low.

Think media disinformation and ignorance and, well, just plain bigoted stupidity and the vagaries of polling.

I’d like to point out that it was Republican No. 45 that initiated the pull-out from Afghanistan.

Republican No.45 released 5,000 Taliban terrorists and abandoned Afghanistan and our military bases there, leaving Biden to clean up the mess.

No. 45 made it a point to not cooperate or coordinate with the Biden’s incoming administration.

Also, remember that it was the Bush Republican administration that embroiled the U.S. in that Middle East debacle in the first place.

Which cost us more than 5,000 brave military personnel and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghans as well as trillions of U.S. tax dollars.

Yeah, vote Republican, because the world needs more filthy lucre despots.

Jeff Shamp

Port Angeles