LETTER:Backs Tharinger, Chapman

Brian Pruiett and Sue Forde are hoping to become representatives to the state Legislature.

Reading their websites, they are against the medication-assisted treatment (MAT) clinic, COVID-19 mandates, gun control and sex education in the schools.

They think working class values are being trampled upon.

Pruiett is against women’s choice.

They’re for school choice, which takes away money from public schools.

They want to secure election integrity even though Washington has no election integrity problem.

What have Steve Tharinger and Mike Chapman done for this area?

They’ve helped secure money for the Carlsborg sewer, funds to build community housing with mental health services and they helped a dental clinic open for poor people.

They’ve funded $1.2 million for the Sequim Library.

They’ve codified women’s right to choose.

They’ve passed laws for free community college for families making under $50,000 per year.

They’ve cut small business taxes for those making up to $150,000 per year and next year that will go up to $250,000 per year.

They’ve obtained money for Olympic Medical Center to keep it open.

They’ve partnered with our tribe to help build Jamestown Healing Clinic.

They expanded access for voting and strengthened mail-in voting.

Clearly, Tharinger and Chapman are doing an excellent job taking care of our area.

My questions to Pruiett and Forde are: will you attend the League of Women Voters forums to answer questions from the audience?

If not, where is your transparency?

Will you accept the results of the election?

Dianne Salyer
