
A recent writer expressed disgust that President Biden draped a Progress Pride flag on the White House next to two United States flags.

He claimed it was spitting on our deceased veterans.

To him, loving one’s neighbor as himself is a disgrace to those who fought and died to protect our nation.

To him, expressing love to those who petition for the redress of wrongs (1st Amendment) is an assault on America’s honor and dignity.

No. I am wholly appalled by this rhetoric of hate.

It is old fashioned “Burn The Witch” hate-mongering.

Justifying enslavement and abuse of Black Americans by the logical gobbledygook that their skin magically proves they are lesser is evil.

When Governor Boggs of Missouri legalized the extermination of all members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, absolving their rapists and pillagers; that was evil.

Forcing Tribes to live in inhospitable lands or suffer death while European Americans seized rich farming and hunting grounds was evil, as was kidnapping their children to destroy their languages in order to wash the Indian out.

It is sickening.

Likewise, to spout that our LGBTQ+ brothers, sisters are inherently unworthy of being loved and cherished, is evil.

Such hatred must be rooted out and sterilized by the sunshine of brotherly love.

It is so deplorable that I cannot help but stand up and say “No, sir! Your words spit on the graves of those thousands of LGBTQ+ veterans who have fought and died for our great country.”

Joseph Wolfley

Port Angeles